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How 2 Make a Marilyn Monroe Inspired Mask



Paper mache is incredibly easy to work with at any age, inexpensive and projects can be completed within a couple days.

This art median is so versatile I have found nothing that I cannot create with a few recyclables.

 Like this:

Sexy Marilyn Mask

This mask will take you some time to make because of the curls I have created for Marilyn's hair. Making the curls are easy yet time consuming and the placement is more time investment.

Watch the "How 2 Marilyn Mask Video" on our YouTube Channel to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to ask anything you need I will try and help.

Create Your Marilyn Armature

1 First, prepare your paper strips and paper mache paste for stripping.

Paper Mache Paste Recipe

mask wig_thumb[15]You will dip each strip into the paste and slide the strip between your fingers to knock off the excessive paste. Place your wet strips onto your mask armature and rub out any air bubbles; you want it nice and tight against the armature.

I used a recycled Halloween mask and pizza box to create my mask armature.

Lay four layers of strips to create your mask armature, and then set it aside to dry completely over night.

2 To create the backdrop for her curly hair I cut out a funky shape from a recycled pizza box. I did this step separate to give myself something to tape my cut box onto. Just tape it to your started armature and then begin stripping again.

Simply add 20 more layers of paper mache strips to your entire mask armature. Make sure that your sides are nice and thick.


Set this aside and let it dry completely, it is important that all layers of strips dry. I drilled the holes for the ribbon after the mask was completely dry.

3 Paper Strip one layer around the unfinished edge of your armature. This will give it a nice finish look.  Let that dry.

These layers will dry and you will have a rock solid sexy mask. The mask will be approximately 1/4" thick.


Creating Your Marilyn Mask Curls

Prime Your Mask Canvas

curls 1_thumb[8]Blow up a long narrow balloon to use as your curl armature. I shredded recycled newspaper for my curls and dipped each into my paper mache paste.

Take that and wrap around your balloon. You will need to use several strips of newspaper for one curl to be hard enough to with stand any wear and tear. My curls are not as hard as the mask itself, they are more fragile.

After they have dried I simply placed them onto the mask armature where ever I liked. I used the same strip method as earlier to secure them and I let that dry.

Painting Marilyn

Prime Your Mask Canvas

putting curls_thumb[4]Now that my entire mask is assembled, striped, and dried it is ready for light sanding before painting my primer coat of paint.

I first sprayed white acrylic all over my mask, the can allowed me to cover her curls.

I use Gesso to prime my mask face for adding acrylic paints as her makeup. Instead of Gesso you can use white paint as well, it shouldn't hurt a thing.

Paint her face with a flesh color acrylic, let it dry and then apply her color.

Most certainly paint Marilyn with bright red lips. It is a perfect chance to add color and fits her flawlessly.

All the paint that I use on this mask is acrylic.

To create a small eyelid or look of shading, I accented her eyes with light pink eye shadow; I mixed my red and white to get my pink. Let this dry completely before adding lashes and use black paint to create her beautiful long lashes. I also thought she needed eye liner and applied that.

Oh, and Marilyn would not be Monroe without her identifiable mole. I just dotted her cheek with a little brown paint.

To give your mask rosy cheeks use red paint with just a touch of white and swirl it around until you have pink blush and apply blush to her cheeks. Think of it as applying your makeup.

After your painted mask face has completely dried, you can add a clear coat of acrylic varnish for protection and shine.

I also plan to glue red velvet material to the inside of the mask to add a sophisticated touch.

Add your bright ribbon and find a good Halloween Party this year.

finished marilyn mask_thumb[8]Beautiful and Sexy Marilyn

Please forgive if you find that I have missed something. Feel free to post any questions that you may have on our Face Book Studio. https://www.facebook.com/WhimsyArtist


Thank you for visiting the whimsy studio on the internet.


Mask Materials and Recipe

Materials Need


News paper strips

Paste (flour, water, & salt)

Acrylic Paints and Brushes



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