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How to make a Ginger Bread Ornament from Recyclables

Easy No Bake Ginger Bread Ornament

Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC
ornamentI just know you will love this simple little way to make a quick ginger bread house for your Christmas tree. I would love to see a tree full of these little houses.
In the video I will demonstration how to complete the ornament and show you how it looks on my Christmas tree.
To create your Ginger Bread House Ornament you will use the paper mache strip recipe which is super easy.

Make Your Ornament Armature

ginger house ornament1. First we will make our armature by cutting up a recyclable box into the shape of a house. I cut two ends like this and then make the roof. I used tape to hold this together.
Cut wire for a hanger or use fishing wire.
2. Apply 2 layers of your newspaper strips all over your armature and extra at all the joining spots (joints). Let this completely dry, usually take over night.

Placing it in the oven on VERY low heat will speed up your dry time and it is perfectly safe but I recommend not leaving it.
3. Sand your armature down nice and smooth. Add a primer coat of white acrylic or gesso. Sand again if needed at this stage.
paint ornament 14. Add your color. To start paint your house a light brown to resemble a ginger bread cookie. Then begin with the roof by painting it white as snow. As you paint you can let it dry as you need, when you are finished adding your color seal your ornament with a glossy varnish.
This will protect it your ornament over the years. These are really simple and great little gifts for anyone.
Children who need to make something for their parents, this is cheap and sweet. I do hope that you enjoy your ornament and please post your pictures onto our Facebook Studio page.
Just let me know that this has been a help to you by liking our video, Google Plus us, or pin it to your pinterest account; thank you in advance.
Have a great day, Wishing You a Merry Christmas.
© whimsypapermache.com
outline of house
Your ends will look like the picture below and your sides will meet. The point will hold your roof up. I hope this helps.