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How to Make a Giant Paper Mache Snowflake Decoration

Fluffy White Paper Mache Snowflake

cut designToday we are going to make a giant Snowflake creating our own winter wonderland. I believe these flakes would be beautiful decorating a child's room or used in a wonderland wedding.

Each giant Snowflake will be as unique as Snowflakes themselves.

Here is a quick list of materials.

Recycled Newspaper

Masking Tape

White Paint and Paint Brushes

Elmer's Glue

Poly stuffing

H20 and Rags


Let's Get Started

1 Creating Your Armature

glue snowflakeFirst thing you need is your Snowflake armature which is the foundation for your sculpture.

Start by cutting your snowflake design out of recyclable cardboard you can pick up outside of Lowes, Wal-Mart, whatever stores are close to you.

Use your template to cut another snowflake to create a 3D design.

Make your Snowflake as large or small as you like. 

2 PaPer MaChe Your Snowflake Armature

Now you are ready to cover your armature with paper mache strips dipped in your homemade paper mache paste. You will need to apply four layers of newspaper strips over the armature. After applying the strips you will set your armature aside and let it dry over night.

Quick Link to Paper Mache Paste Recipe and Clay Recipe

I would add 10 or more layers to the armature concentrating on connecting sections of your armature. However many layers you add to your armature, is how strong your Snowflake will be.

Drying all those layers of newsprint strips will probably take more than 24 hours just depends on your weather outside.

3. Paint Your Snowflake White

glitter snowflakeYou simply want a white base coat on your Snowflake. You will cover your Snowflake with the stuffing and the white base is perfect.

You must seal your paper clay or paper mache pieces with varnish. You can spray or brush this on your Snowflake before adding your fluff.  

Or you can simply apply a good coat of Elmer's glue and apply the stuffing. The glue will act as a sealant for your paper mache.

Snowflake Finishing Touches

4. Cover with your fluffy stuffing

Cover your flake with Elmer's glue and lightly apply your fiber stuffing for a soft snowflake look.

5. Glitter Time

glitter snowflake 2Grab a can of glitter hair spray and cover your snowflake with glitter for a sparkle your flake needs.

They are dreamy and will make a great decoration for any room.

Please leave your suggestions and comments below.

One quick snowflake fact: World’s Largest Snowflake:  The world’s largest snowflake was reported to be 15 inches across and 8 inches thick. The Guinness Book of World Records states that this giant snowflake was found at Fort Keogh, Montana on January 28, 1887.

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